Dr Grace Anderson: Divorce & Breakup Recovery Specialist.

Accredited Master Coach For: Divorce & Breakup Recovery, Relationships, Couples’ & Family, Executives, Mindset,  Personal Development: Careers, etc. 

E: grace@drgraceanderson.com

        TEL: +44 7398 992 373



Welcome to my Website!

 Breakup/Divorce Recovery Coaching.
I am here to help you recover from the heartache of a broken relationship: either a breakup from a relationship, or a divorce from a loved one, who, now, no longer wants to know you! I know the pain, because I have been divorced myself. It is even more difficult to cope with your breakup, if you have young children.
Life can be quite tough and unpredictable sometimes. You had a plan for your life, then out of nowhere, something weird and distressing happens, like: A Breakup,  A Divorce, Extreme Stress, Burnout, Loss of someone valuable, Loss of a job, and so on and so forth…

If You Need Help…
– Recovering From Your Breakup or Your Divorce

– Saving Your Marriage or Relationship
– Recovering from Stress or Burnout caused at work
– Because You Are in An Abusive Relationship
-Or have other Coaching needs … 
Check out all my Coaching Services Below.  

For a quick start to your full recovery,  register for my Free Masterclass on the button below…

Do not suffer alone. Book a Free Discovery Call now to get started on taking back control of your life, so you can restore your happiness.  Scroll down to select your Coaching Need – See all my Services below – and Book a Free Discovery Call With Me.


Here's What You Will Learn on This Free Webinar.

On this Webinar you will learn:

– What happens in relationships that cause them to fail

-Why it is so hard to get over the Pain of the breakup

-What to do to get started on your healing journey

-Various Tools and Strategies to enable you move on positively with your life

-Various 5-Star Reviews from Very Happy Clients of Dr Grace

-An incredibly exciting Coaching Offer to help you get better quickly and start the process of rebuilding your life positively.

“Free Guide: 14 Ways To Get Over Your Ex.”

 This is your chance to forgive yourself and your Ex, restore your energy and get refreshed and ready to plan a new life for yourself, free from the negative voice of your Ex! 

It’s time to embrace your FREEDOM!

And so much more.





Dr Grace is here to help you recover from the heartache of a broken relationship: either a breakup from a relationship, or a divorce from a loved one, who, now, no longer wants to know you!


 I know the pain, because I have been divorced myself. It is even more difficult to cope with your breakup, if you have young children.


If you are still asking a million questions that have no real answers, for example:

– about why this breakup happened to you
– why you are no longer good enough for your partner 
– what your ex-partner’s new love has that you don’t

– how you are supposed to now cope with your life
– how to tell your children about your breakup
– whether you will ever find love again
– And many more hamster-wheel questions…

 Then you are in the right place! 


Click the button below to have a Free Discovery Call with me, so you can start your journey to full recovery!



Want Couples’ Relationship Coaching as soon as possible?

If you and your partner are struggling to keep your relationship happy, then you need help. It is much easier and better to make your relationship work, so you can avoid the heartache associated with a breakup or divorce. If you can find solutions to whatever your relationship problems are, it would be much better for you and your partner. Children are always much happier when their parents remain together, so, it is worth exploring my Couples Coaching Offer. 

 We will look at the cause or causes of the problems and tackle them one by one. You and your partner would need to be seriously looking to find solutions and be willing to implement the various strategies that we will explore together during your Coaching Sessions with me. 

 Abusive Partner. 

If you are in an abusive relationship, and you don’t feel safe, please take the necessary action now to find safety.  You can call the REFUGE Hotline: 0808 2000 247.

Click the button below to Book a Free Call With me.


If you are an executive with several teams working for your organisation, managing all the teams effectively can often be quite exhausting.  Ineffective management and supervision of team members, especially newly-employed members of staff, 

can result in the following:

-Uncontrolled Stress for you and your team-members

-Burnout for you because of your worries about what’s working and what’s not working

-Reduced Productivity for your company or business. 

You can hire me to provide Group or Team Coaching for your Staff members to help improve productivity.

 Or Perhaps…

One or two of your Staff Members are going through a breakup or divorce? Have you noticed  change in their behaviour? Do you think they are under some stress?

 I can Coach your Employees to Recovery – from the pain of their divorce or breakup. 


Click  the button below to have a quick chat with me about your  Company’s coaching needs.


Other Areas – Personal Development | Group Coaching & Speaking Gigs

– for example: Mindset, Career, Goal Setting | Speaking Gigs /Group Coaching, etc.


Personal Development Coaching

Speaking Engagements, Group or Teams 

Various Areas of Coaching include:

Mindset Coaching –helping you develop a positive mindset if you believe you currently have a negative or closed Mindset.

Career Coaching – Choosing a most suitable career for yourself, or moving on from your current career to something new and more rewarding.

Goal Setting – Learning how to set and achieve your Success Goals

Spiritual Coaching – Learning how to reconnect with your Spiritual Self, so you can live a more fulfilling life.

Relationship Issues – Have you had one or two failed relationships and can’t figure out what has been going wrong? I’ll help you figure out what hasn’t been working, etc.

Confidence Coaching – Learning how to regain or develop your self-confidence, especially after an unpleasant or devatstating event in your life.

And many more.



Getting Married or Newly Married Couples.

Are you getting married or newly married and need someone to give you and your partner a pep-talk on how best to keep your relationship truly evergreen and blissful?

 Dr Grace knows how relationships work.

Often Couples do not know that new realtionships are intoxicating at first, but soon wear off and the start reality of living with a stranger sets in.

It is a good  idea to understand the dynamics in new relationships and how to best maitain a cordial and passionate connection with your partner.


Your Teams at Work

Dr Grace can offer Group Coaching to Your teams – all you need is to have a Focus Goal that you want your team to achieve and Dr Grace will coach your Teams in setting the appropiate Action Plans on a step-by-step basis, so they can achieve the set goals within a short period of time.

To discuss your specific need,  use the link below.


About Dr Grace Anderson.
I invite You to Work With Me, So You Can Achieve Your Goals Really Quickly...

I am very passionate about helping my clients achieve their goals.


I had a divorce when I was much younger. I was left to cater for all our six children alone, with no finacial help whatsoever. Not only that, the abusive language from my Ex was never ending. Till today, my grown-up children are still having to tolerate their father’s constant abusive language!


So, I get it – having a breakup is very painful. Not only that, the pain that your Ex is causing you can go on and on, until you learn how to shield yourself completely from their abusive language and influences, and move on positively with your life.


That is where I come in. Let me help you navigate this negative path until you are able to move on to the positive path that lies ahead for you! I have many tools and strategies to share with you when you join my coaching programme. 

I have coached many people to true happiness. That is why people call me the “Happiness Recovery Coach”. Just check out some of my Reviews below.


If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek help without delay. Click on green button to Book a Free Discovery Call With Me today.

See you soon.

Some of Dr Grace's Accreditations & Memberships.

Here's a Brief Introduction...

Divorce & Breakup Recovery Coaching by Dr. Grace Anderson

Advantages Of Intensive

I invite you to enrol on my Intensive Coaching Programme. You will get the maximum benefit when you enrol in this programme, because you will also have access to my other useful resources, like books or courses.

These are added as bonuses to my one-to-one coaching sessions. See the advantages below. Fill out the form below to get started.


What Our Clients Say!

Excellent Coaching Style and Tools!


I didn’t prepare myself for any positive outcome as I have probably related my story millions of times to those  that shouldn’t have known about my business. Well, I guess this comes from dealing with pain of domestic abuse and the loss I felt, losing all I have worked for to my Ex. When I was introduced to Dr Grace, I probably didn’t expect anything different from my previous experience.


 Dr Grace’s coaching style greatly exceeded my expectations. Her coaching tools and strategies  that she shared with me were excellent and easy to apply in my daily life.


 Being able to share my hopes and plans for the future created a powerful platform for me to 

have new strengths to pursue new hopes for a better life for me and my kids.


 I now feel so free, having been able to tackle the most important issues I have always 

been afraid of. It was such a powerful moment dealing with my spirituality alongside 

my divorce issue. I didn’t want the sessions to end.


Dr Grace is amazing, and I unreservedly give her five stars –  5*****




Dr. Anderson is more than a ‘coach.’ She is a professional who listens to you as a friend without judging you, helping you unpack the many burdens of being human. Dr. Anderson uses a wide range of tools to help you grow and find the right balance to achieve your goals. The quality of service she provides is outstanding and definitely gives value for money. I will use this service anytime any day.

Ernestina C.

Texas, USA.

                                         Very Impressive!


I am very grateful to Dr Anderson for helping us save our marriage. When we started our Coaching Sessions with her over the phone, we were a bit sceptical, wondering what she could do for us that we hadn’t already done before. However, her methodical way of looking at details and setting us goals, made it so much easier for us to look at our marital problems dispassionately and gradually arrive at a peaceful and amicable settlement. My husband and I are now very happy together. I highly recommend Dr Anderson as a relationship coach.

Florence S.

Connecticut, USA.

                                         Very Quick Results!

 I was not happy at all in my Marriage. There was no real communication between me an my Ex. He cheated on me many times – I am sure because he was always out, and never told me where he was going etc. To make matters worse, he returned from work one day and told me he was leaving me for another woman.

I cried my eyes out! We eventually got divorced. After the divorce, I found everything really difficult until a friend recommended Dr Grace.
Wow, what a relief – even after just one session! She set up an Action Plan with me. Since working on those actions, things have improved vastly for me. I highly recommend Dr Grace, if you need help getting over your divorce or breakup pain.

Alice, B.

London, UK.



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