Getting Married soon?
Get coached on how Relationships work first in order to avoid a Breakup or Divorce a few years later.
It’s always very exciting when your loved one suddenly goes down on one knee and pops the question:
“Will you marry me?” And you say “YES!”.
The Love Chemical, Oxytocin takes over your brain and you feel so loved and so happy. Your partner is in the same bubble and both of you can’t seem to get enough of each other. You think:
“Aren’t I lucky! I have the best partner in the world who treats me so right!”
I know, because I’ve been there a few times!
Before you tie the knot, I suggest you seek out a Relationship Coach like me, and get coached on How Relationships actually work.
Research has soon that the Love Chemicals – Dopamine and Oxytocin only last for a short while. Soon after marriage – well – say six months,
12 months or maybe two years, if you are really lucky, these love chemicals will wear off.
Suddenly, both partners’ eyes are now wide – open, and they can see through the murky fog caused by those love
chemicals! You begin to wonder if the person you are living with now, is the same person you fell in love with some months ago.
If you are anything like many couples I know, you will start asking yourself these questions:
-Why has he changed so much?
-Was he pretending that he loved me when we were courting?
-Why is he now very angry at every little thing?
-Why does he shout at me at every opportunity, instead of speaking nicely to me, the way he did before we got married?
-Why am I no longer keen on even sitting next to him?
-What on earth happened to our passion and our love?
Well, what most couples do not understand is that retaining the passion
in a new relationship, especially, in a new marriage, requires you to
understand the follow:
– Your partner’s Love Language, so you can love them the way they prefer to be loved
– How to Communicate with each other effectively through Active Listening practice
– How to respect each other deeply without undermining your own self-worth
-How to give each other their space so they can grow and achieve their own full potential without undermining the realtionship
-How to raise your children to respect you as their parents and grow up to be well-loved and valuable citizens
-How to resolve conflicts when they arise
– And so much more.
It’s better to get fully equiped to have a wonderfully fulfilling marriage,
before you actually tie the knot!
So, if you are engaged to be married, Book a Free Discovery Call with Me to see how I can help you and your partner prepare
for a most beautiful relationship that will help your marriage stay for as long as you live.
Congratulations on getting hooked!
To ensure you have a long-lasting and very happy marriage,
Hope to chat with you and your partner soon!
Dr Grace Anderson.
Accredited Master Coach.