Goal Setting

Happy New Year - Set New Goals to Improve Your Life.
2025 is here and I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year! To achieve more successes, you can set new goals that will enable you to improve your life.
First of all, what are you thankful for, during this year just gone?
I like to thank God for my Life. Being alive when many other people died in the last year, is a privilege that I am thankful to God for.
So, be grateful for all you have, and develop a positive mindset that will enable you to create more positivity in your life.
This New Year may be the time when you choose to do a few things to make your life better.
New Year Resolutions are not often kept. People get started on doing those things, but by March or April, life gets in the way, and the resolutions are forgotten.
My way of doing things, is to set my own Achievable Goals, and give every Goal a Time-Limit when I hope to have it completed.
Once that first Goal is completed, I then set another one, with another realistic time-scale.
By doing that, I will have success, however small, within the first weeks of the new year. I then celebrate my success and set another SMART Goal.
S.M.A.R.T ->> Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
When you set Goals that follow the above rules, you will succeed faster and achieve happiness within a short period of time.
I am here to help you achieve your goals, whatever they are. Working with me as your Coach will guarantee your quicker successes, because I will hold you accountable, so that you are much more motivated to do what you have said you would do. A lot of people fail to achieve their goals because there is no one holding them accountable.
So, feel free to Book A Free Discovery Call with me if you are looking to improve a particular area of your life:
Career Advancement
Personal Empowerment
Life Purpose
Divorce/Breakup Recovery
And so on and so forth.
Check out my website https://drgraceanderson.com to learn more about my Coaching Programmes.
Otherwise, you can just Book A Free Discovery Call With Me, and we can get you started on your way to huge successes this New Year!
I wish you the very best that 2025 can bring!
Dr Grace.
Dr Grace