Hey, friend, Happy Monday!!

Hopefully, you are not still yawning from not having slept enough last night.

I know the feeling. Mondays are like the “wake-up” calls for the week …

”Get up, get up, or your boss will be waiting at the door in your office!”

So, it’s a “horrible” feeling being dragged out of the weekend…literally!

But Mondays don’t need to be miserable, gloomy, and moaning days.

Mondays can be the : “Ready to Plan My Week” days.


You can use Mondays as your goal setting days.

You can set S.M.A.R.T. goals on Mondays.

S – Specific

Choose a goal that is specific and tangible – nothing vague.

M – Measurable

Make it measurable – how can you measure your success? What will make it easier for you to see the result?


Don’t be so ambitious with your goal that it is not easy to achieve. Small steps, small achievable steps are better. The more you achieve success, even in small things, the happier you will be. When achieved, celebrate your success, with a cup of tea or coffee. Or dance to your favourite music. Rejoice!

R – Realistic

How realistic is your goal? Do you have the resources or skills to achieve the goal? If not, can you do some research to help you? Setting goals that are entirely out of your reach is setting yourself up to fail. Be sure your goal is realistic and easy for you to achieve.


Set a goal with a deadline for you to achieve it. Why? If you don’t set a time when you want to tick the task off as “DONE!”, the tendency will be to procrastinate. But you don’t want that. You want to complete this week, knowing hat you have done your best and also that your best efforts paid off!

Now, you have some successes to celebrate over this weekend and you really can’t wait for another Monday to arrive, so, you can set new SMART Goals all over again!

See? Mondays need not be gloomy days! If you take control of Mondays, they can be the most important and valuable days of your week!

Coaching Offer.

If you need help setting Success Goals in any area of your life, work, career, relationship, etc, get in touch with me and we can work together to get you where you want to be.

Book a Free Discovery Call with me:

So, go on and have a lovely, purposeful Monday today!


 #coaching #goalsetting #relationshipcoach #couplescoaching #successcoach #happinessmatters #divorcerecovery