Our Services
Check Out Our Services Below.
Breakup & Divorce Recovery Coaching.
If you have had a breakup or a divorce, you will need help recovering from your heartache.
If you don’t want to spend most of the hours of your day thinking about your Ex or crying over the “loss” of this person you thought would live with you forever, then book a free Discovery session with me below to get started on your journey to full recovery. And, yes, full recovery is possible with my specialist coaching.
You will understand how to do the following:
- Re-evaluate your situation and see the good in it
- Be grateful for the life you had with your ex, howver painful it was
- Accept your current situation, get calrity of what you can get from it
- Develop the right attitude that will enable you to move on with your life positively
- Focus on moving on positively to build a better future for you and your children if you have any
- And so much more.

Find New Love After Your Breakup Or Divorce.
Sign Up For My Dating And New Relationship Coaching Programme.
Finding new love after you have been rejected by someone you loved and you thought loved you, can be very scary and quite daunting.
Case Study: Me.
My Ex told me that at 44 – when we broke up – that my age would put any man off from wanting to date me. He mocked me – “It’s worse for you, because you also have six young children. Ha..ha..ha..Who would want a woman with six children? You will live a lonely life. I am going to find two young women and marry them… I am going to be a polygamist!”
He went away and married two women 20 years or more younger than him.
That hurt really bad. But I was determined to get out of that abusive relationship, so I went ahead and divorced him!
I got remarried within two years after our divorce.
So, what do you really want to do? If you are keen on finding out how to fully recover from your pain and find new love, then work with me.
Sign up for My Dating and New Relationship Coaching Program.
Have you just wedded your Sweetheart Or, Are you engaged and now planning to Get Married Soon? If yes, Huge Congratulations! You deserve to celebrate your union and happiness.
Knowing now what I know after being married and then divorced and remarried, I understand that you must still be feeling the euphoria from being “hooked up” as they say.
While you and your partner have now pledged to live your lives together for as long as you two live, you may find, from experience, that sometimes, the “until life do us part”vow never really holds true for many couples. That is why the World has a high number of divorces every year.
Understand How a Relationship Works, to Avoid a Breakup or a Divorce.
- Understand each other’s Love Language, so you can love your partner the way he/she likes to be shown love.
- Understand How to Communicate Effectively, to avoid angry shouting matches.
- Understand the best ways to Resolve Conflicts when they arise
- And so much more.
Work with me. Join My Relationship Coaching Programme and establish the best relationship for you and your partner.
Don’t leave it too late!

Relationship Coaching: For Individuals or Couples.
Relationships can make or marr the lives of the couple. It is not always easy to find the “best” relationship in which you are happy forever after. When carefully planned and the partners are carefully chosen, a really happy relationship can mean that you, as a person, are really happy with your partner, your life, and your circumstances.
If, however, you are unhappy with your relationship or with your partner, you will find the following could be happening in your life:
- Your unhappiness is affecting your personality
- You snap at your friends or colleagues, because you are upset with your partner and angry at yourself.
- You blame yourself for big and little things, etc
- Your nights are fairly restless, and you don’t sleep well.
- You begin to doubt your self-worth, and you lose confidence in yourself and your abilities…
- And so on and so forth.
Dr Grace can help you fix your relationship issues so you can be happy again..if that is what you both really want.
Personal Empowerment Coaching
Do you feel like you are currently not achieving as much as you could?
Are you currently feeling low and rather unproductive?
Have you been asking yourself: “What is my life Purpose?”
What do you think is holding you back?
Here are some of the areas we will explore:
- GOAL Setting – what are your goals? Have you set them correctly?
- CURRENT INHIBITIONS – What Subconscious and negative thoughts are holding you back?
- RESOURCES – What resources do you need to do better? How much research have you done, on how to get the resources you need?
- TRAINING – What new skills do you need to forge ahead and achieve your gaols, if any? Can you get started straight away?
- And so much more.
Let me help you discover your Life Purpose, so you can become Empowered to achieve your life’s goals.

Mindset Coaching From Negative to Positive
What is Mindset?
Mindset is simply the way you think and how those thoughts affect your aactions and your life in general.
Mindset Coaching will enable you to develop a Growth or Positive Mindset that will eliminate your negative thinking patterns. You will then develop more healthy and positive thinking patterns.
- How to stop sabotaging yourself with your negative mindset
- How to turn your negative /closed mindset into a positive/growth mindse
- How to create a much happier life for yourself
- And much more.
Confidence Coaching
Are you lacking in Self-Confidence?
Do you feel inadequate in the presence of your collegues?
Are you always apologising for things that you don’t need to apologise for?
Do you feel like you are being oppressed by your colleagues?
Are you able to put your points across in a meeting with colleageus?
Do you feel slightly ashamed of who you are?
If any of the points above or more like those apply to you, then you need our Confidence Coaching.
Dr Grace can help you rebuild your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth in a short period of time.

Career Advancement Coaching
Career Advancement Coaching Using the G.R.O.W. Model.
- Helping you understand Your Life Purpose and what’s best for you to do as a profession (using Psychometric Tests)
- Goal Setting at the very start so you get the best from your coaching.
- Reality check of where you are at currently.
- Options that can help you move faster to where you really want to be in your career.
- Way Forward actions that will propel you to the heights that you seek.
Dr Grace will coach you weekly or fortnightly on Zoom or Skype, and hold you accountable so you can achiech your goals in record time.
Executive and Leadership Coaching
Specifically for leaders or Executives
You learn about Your own Personality and the Type of Leader you are naturally.
- Leadership styles that Get results
- Team Leadership strategies – planning, delegating, incentives, etc
- In-depth study of your organisations specifics with the aim of re-structuring or improving your service delivery
- Your own or Your Organistaion’s specific needs, challenges and Way Forward.
- And so much more.