Personal Empowerment

Guys, I hope you have been keeping well?
Today, I want to talk about the Importance of Personal Empowerment Coaching that will help you achieve your goals.
What Is Personal Empowerment Coaching?
This type of coaching will enable you to do the following:
– Understand your own strengths and weaknesses:
For example, may be you are used to putting yourself and your abilities on the back-burner, because you grew up in a home, where the adults shouted you down, told you to “shut up” and “mind your place”, because you are “young and stupid”, or because you “shouldn’t speak when adults are speaking”.
So, you have been cowering behind every one else in your home.
– Or, perhaps, you have stopped having any opinions of your own, because of what you’ve learnt since you were a child.
– Now you are an adult, you find you are often unable to make your ideas heard in your work-place. So, people consider you to be rather “timid”, and even “stupid”! You are convinced that they all, somehow, “look down” on you! And this makes you feel sad and inadequate.
What can you do to regain your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem? How can you start the process of having your Voice heard by those who think you are too weak to have an opinion?
This is where Personal Empowerment Coaching will help you.
My Coaching will enable you to assess your strengths and be proud of them. Then we will look at your weaknesses and set SMARTER Goals that will enable you to improve immensely in those areas.
I will hold you accountable, as your Coach, so, you are motivated to completed the Action Plans that will enable you to start having many Successes in a very short period of time. My Clients achieve FAST Results.
Completing Your Wheel of Life Exercise.
I will start by getting you to show where your strengths and weaknesses are at this time. For example, what percentage scores will you give the following Eight areas of your life?
1. Friends and Family
2. Significant Other
3. Personal Growth
4.Fun and Leisure
5.Home Environment
6. Career
7. Money
8. Health
100%? I doubt it!
If you feel you are lacking in any of these areas and you would like to explore my Personal Empowerment Coaching, then Click the link below to Book a Free Discovery Session with me.
Please only Book a Call with me if you are fully ready and able to afford the One-to-One Coaching with me.
This will suit you most if you are a professional who is eager to reach your highest potential in your current Career, or in your Business, or in your Life generally.
My Coaching will enable you to achieve your desired goals quite fast.
So, Let’s get you going. Aim to achieve your Personal Best!
Hope to connect with you soon!
Dr Grace